Source code for barmpy.barn

    from tqdm import tqdm
except ImportError:
    tqdm = lambda x: x
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
# use sklearn for now, could upgrade to keras later if we want
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, ClassifierMixin
import sklearn.neural_network as sknn
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state as crs
import sklearn.model_selection as skms
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import pickle
import warnings
HAVE_TF = True
    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow.keras.layers as tkl
    import tensorflow.keras.regularizers as tkr
    HAVE_TF = False

INFO = np.iinfo(np.int32)
SMALL = INFO.min + 1
BIG = INFO.max - 1
REG = 0.01 # regularization
ACT = 'logistic'
#ACT = 'relu'

[docs] class NN(object): ''' Neural Network with single hidden layer implemented with sklearn. Includes methods to do MCMC transitions and calculations. ''' def __init__(self, num_nodes=10, weight_donor=None, l=2, lr=0.01, r=42, epochs=20, x_in=None, batch_size=512, solver=None, tol=1e-3, reg=REG, act=ACT, binary=False): self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.x_in = x_in # make an NN with a single hidden layer with num_nodes nodes ## can set max_iter to set max_epochs if solver is None: if num_nodes < 10: solver = 'lbfgs' else: solver = 'adam' # this binary is only for generic NN usage, not for BARN (which still uses regression networks underneath) if binary: mlp = sknn.MLPClassifier else: mlp = sknn.MLPRegressor self.model = mlp([num_nodes], learning_rate_init=lr, random_state=r, max_iter=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, warm_start=True, solver=solver, alpha=reg, activation=act, tol=tol) # TODO: scale with output # l is poisson shape param, expected number of nodes self.l = l = lr if r is None: r = int(time.time()) self.r = r self.epochs = epochs self.reg = reg self.act = act if weight_donor is not None: # inherit the first num_nodes weights from this donor donor_num_nodes = weight_donor.num_nodes donor_weights, donor_intercepts = weight_donor.get_weights() self.accept_donation(donor_num_nodes, donor_weights, donor_intercepts)
[docs] def save(self, fname): ''' Save NN to disk as a NumPy archive ''' params = np.array([self.num_nodes, self.l,, self.r, self.epochs, self.x_in, self.reg, self.act, self.binary]) coefs_, intercepts_ = self.model.get_weights() np.savez_compressed(fname, params=params, coefs_=coefs_, intercepts_=intercepts_)
[docs] def get_weights(self): ''' Return `sklearn` style tuple of `(coefs_, intercepts_)` ''' return (self.model.coefs_, self.model.intercepts_)
[docs] def accept_donation(self, donor_num_nodes, donor_weights, donor_intercepts): ''' Replace our weights with those of another `NN` (passed as weights). Donor can be different size; if smaller, earlier weights in donee are overwritten. ''' # a bit of a workaround to create weight arrays and things num_nodes = self.num_nodes self.model._random_state = crs(self.r) self.model._initialize(np.zeros((1,1),dtype=donor_weights[0].dtype), [donor_weights[0].shape[0], num_nodes, 1], donor_weights[0].dtype) # TODO: use self.model.model_.set_weights() if donor_num_nodes == num_nodes: self.model.coefs_ = [d.copy() for d in donor_weights] self.model.intercepts_ = [d.copy() for d in donor_intercepts] elif donor_num_nodes > num_nodes: self.model.coefs_ = [donor_weights[0][:,:num_nodes].copy(), donor_weights[1][:num_nodes].copy()] self.model.intercepts_ = [donor_intercepts[0][:num_nodes].copy(), donor_intercepts[1].copy()] else: self.model.coefs_[0][:,:donor_num_nodes] = donor_weights[0].copy() self.model.coefs_[1][:donor_num_nodes] = donor_weights[1].copy() self.model.intercepts_[0][:donor_num_nodes] = donor_intercepts[0].copy() self.model.intercepts_[1] = donor_intercepts[1].copy()
[docs] @staticmethod def load(fname): ''' Read a NumPy archive of an NN (such as created by `save`) into a new NN ''' network = np.load(fname) # enable loading old models, which were never binary if len(network['params']) == 8: network['params'] = network['params'].tolist() + [False] N = NN(network['params'][0], l=network['params'][1], lr=network['params'][2], r=network['params'][3], epochs=network['params'][4], x_in=network['params'][5], reg=network['params'][6], act=network['params'][7], binary=network['params'][8], ) donor_num_nodes = N.num_nodes donor_weights = network['coefs_'] donor_intercepts_ = network['intercepts_'] self.accept_donation(donor_num_nodes, donor_weights, donor_intercepts) return N
[docs] def train(self, X, Y): '''Train network from current position with given data''',Y)
[docs] def log_prior(self, pmf=scipy.stats.poisson.logpmf): ''' Log prior probability of the `NN`. Assumes one distribution parameter, `self.l`. ''' return pmf(self.num_nodes, self.l)
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, X, Y, std): ''' Log likelihood of `NN` assuming normally distributed errors. ''' # compute residuals yhat = np.squeeze(self.model.predict(X)) resid = Y - yhat # compute stddev of these #std = np.std(resid) # maybe use std prior here? #std = self.std # normal likelihood return np.sum(scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(resid, 0, std))
[docs] def log_acceptance(self, X, Y): '''Natural log of acceptance probability of transiting from X to Y''' return self.log_prior+self.log_likelihood(X,Y)
[docs] def log_transition(self, target, q=0.5): '''Transition probability from self to target''' #return target.log_prior()-self.log_prior()+np.log(q) # For now assume simple transition model return np.log(q)
def __repr__(self): return f'NN({self.num_nodes}, l={self.l}, lr={}, x_in={self.x_in})'
[docs] def predict(self, X): return np.squeeze(self.model.predict(X)) # so sklearn and TF have same shape
if HAVE_TF: class TF_NN(NN): ''' Neural Network with single hidden layer implemented with TensorFlow. Inherits methods to do MCMC transitions and calculations. ''' def __init__(self, num_nodes=10, weight_donor=None, l=10, lr=0.01, r=42, epochs=20, x_in=None, batch_size=512, solver=None, reg=REG, act=ACT, tol=None): assert x_in is not None if act == 'logistic': act = 'sigmoid' self.num_nodes = num_nodes tf.keras.utils.set_random_seed(r) #TODO: make sure to vary when calling # make an NN with a single hidden layer with num_nodes nodes ## can set max_iter to set max_epochs self.model = tf.keras.Sequential() self.model.add(tkl.Input(shape=(x_in,))) self.model.add(tkl.Dense(num_nodes, # hidden layer activation=act, kernel_regularizer=tkr.L1L2(reg), bias_regularizer=tkr.L1L2(reg))) self.model.add(tkl.Dense(1, kernel_regularizer=tkr.L1L2(reg), bias_regularizer=tkr.L1L2(reg))) # output # l is poisson shape param, expected number of nodes self.l = l = lr self.r = r self.reg = reg self.act = act self.epochs = epochs self.x_in = x_in self.batch_size = batch_size if weight_donor is not None: # inherit the first num_nodes weights from this donor donor_num_nodes = weight_donor.num_nodes donor_weights, donor_intercepts = weight_donor.get_weights() self.accept_donation(donor_num_nodes, donor_weights, donor_intercepts) def get_weights(self): W = self.model.get_weights() # split up so we can handle inheritance weights = W[::2] intercepts = W[1::2] return weights, intercepts def accept_donation(self, donor_num_nodes, donor_weights, donor_intercepts): ''' Replace our weights with those of another `NN` (passed as weights). Donor can be different size; if smaller, earlier weights in donee are overwritten. ''' # a big of a workaround to create weight arrays and things num_nodes = self.num_nodes #self.model._random_state = crs(self.r) #self.model._initialize(np.zeros((1,1),dtype=donor_weights[0].dtype), # [donor_weights[0].shape[0], num_nodes, 1], # donor_weights[0].dtype) # TODO: generalize this if donor_num_nodes == num_nodes: self.model.coefs_ = [d.copy() for d in donor_weights] self.model.intercepts_ = [d.copy() for d in donor_intercepts] elif donor_num_nodes > num_nodes: self.model.coefs_ = [donor_weights[0][:,:num_nodes].copy(), donor_weights[1][:num_nodes].copy()] self.model.intercepts_ = [donor_intercepts[0][:num_nodes].copy(), donor_intercepts[1].copy()] else: self.model.coefs_, self.model.intercepts_ = self.get_weights() self.model.coefs_[0][:,:donor_num_nodes] = donor_weights[0].copy() self.model.coefs_[1][:donor_num_nodes] = donor_weights[1].copy() self.model.intercepts_[0][:donor_num_nodes] = donor_intercepts[0].copy() self.model.intercepts_[1] = donor_intercepts[1].copy() W = self.model.coefs_ + self.model.intercepts_ W[::2] = self.model.coefs_ W[1::2] = self.model.intercepts_ # Alternative: # import itertools # W = list(itertools.chain(*zip(self.model.coefs_, self.model.intercepts_))) self.model.set_weights(W) def train(self, X, Y): '''Train network from current position with given data''' self.opt = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop( self.model.compile(self.opt, loss='mse'),Y, epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batch_size) else: warnings.warn('Unable to use Tensorflow, only sklearn backend available') TF_NN = NN # total acceptable of moving from N to Np given data XY # TODO: double check this def A(Np, N, X, Y, sigma, q=0.5): ''' Acceptance ratio of moving from `N` to `Np` given data and transition probability `q` and current sigma est, `sigma` Only allows for 2 moves in state transition, grow/shrink ''' # disallow empty network...or does this mean kill it off entirely? if Np.num_nodes < 1: return 0 num = Np.log_transition(N,q) + Np.log_likelihood(X, Y, sigma) + Np.log_prior() denom = N.log_transition(Np,1-q) + N.log_likelihood(X, Y, sigma) + N.log_prior() # assumes only 2 inverse types of transition return min(1, np.exp(num-denom))
[docs] class BARN_base(BaseEstimator): ''' Bayesian Additive Regression Networks ensemble. Specify and train an array of neural nets with Bayesian posterior. Argument Descriptions: * `act` - Activation function, 'logistic' or 'relu', passed to `NN` * `batch_size` - batch size for gradient descent solvers, passed to `NN` * `burn` - number of MCMC iterations to initially discard for burn-in * `callbacks` - dictionary of callbacks, keyed by function with values being arguments passed to the callback * `dname` - dataset name if saving output * `epochs` - number of neural network training epochs for gradient descent solver * `init_neurons` - number of neurons to initialize each network in the ensemble to * `l` - prior distribution (Poisson) expected number of neurons for network in ensemble * `lr` - learning rate for solvers * `n_features_in_` - number of features expected in input data, can be set during `setup_nets` instead * `n_iter` - maximum number of MCMC iterations to perform. One iter is a pass through each network in the ensemble * `ndraw` - number of MCMC draws over which to average models * `normalize` - flag to normalize input and output before training and prediction * `nu` - chi-squared parameter for prior on model error, recommend leaving default * `num_nets` - number of networks in the ensemble * `qq` - quantile for error prior to compute lambda, recommend leaving default * `random_state` - random seed for reproducible results * `reg` - L1L2 regularization weight penalty on NN weights, passed to `NN` * `silence_warnings` - flag to turn off convergence warnings from SciPy which may not be helpful * `solver` - solver preference ('lbfgs' or 'adam'), use `None` to automatically select based on problem size, passed to `NN` * `test_size` - fraction of data to use as held-back testing data if not supplying separate splits to `` * `tol` - tolerance used in solver, passed to `NN` * `trans_options` - possible state transition options as a list of strings * `trans_probs` - probability of each state transition option, currently fixed for each option * `use_tf` - flag to use TensorFlow backend for `NN`, recommend leaving `False` unless networks are large * `warm_start` - flag to allow reusing previously trained ensemble for a given instance (`True`) or create a fresh ensemble with calling `` (`False`), irrelevant if only calling `` for an instance once ''' def __init__(self, act=ACT, batch_size=512, burn=None, callbacks=dict(), dname='default_name', epochs=10, init_neurons=None, l=2, lr=0.01, n_features_in_=None, n_iter=200, ndraw=None, normalize=True, nu=3, num_nets=10, qq=0.9, random_state=42, reg=REG, silence_warnings=True, solver=None, test_size=0.25, tol=1e-3, trans_options=['grow', 'shrink'], trans_probs=[0.4, 0.6], use_tf=False, verbose=False, warm_start=True, ): self.num_nets = num_nets # check that transition probabilities look like list of numbers try: np.sum(trans_probs) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError(f"trans_probs needs to be a list of numbers, not {trans_probs}") from e # maybe should bias to shrinking to avoid just overfitting? # or compute acceptance resid on validation data? try: assert len(trans_probs) == len(trans_options) except AssertionError as e: raise IndexError(f"Number of probabilities in trans_probs ({len(trans_probs)}) needs to equal number of options in trans_options ({len(trans_options)})") self.trans_probs = trans_probs self.trans_options = trans_options self.dname = dname self.random_state = random_state self.np_random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=random_state) use_tf = use_tf & HAVE_TF if use_tf: self.NN = TF_NN else: self.NN = NN self.use_tf = use_tf self.batch_size = batch_size self.solver = solver self.l = l = lr self.epochs = epochs self.n_iter = n_iter self.test_size = test_size self.initialized=False self.warm_start=warm_start self.n_features_in_ = n_features_in_ self.tol = tol self.callbacks = callbacks self.reg = reg self.act = act = nu self.qq = qq self._binary = False # private option for internal testing, *does not* make BARN binary classifier (use BARN_bin for that) if init_neurons is None: self.init_neurons = 1 else: self.init_neurons = init_neurons self.verbose = verbose self.silence_warnings = silence_warnings if silence_warnings: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ConvergenceWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) if burn: self.burn = burn else: self.burn = self.n_iter // 2 # TODO: compute batch means or autocorrelation on the fly to estimate number of samples to save if ndraw: self.save_every = min(self.n_iter - self.burn, max(1,(self.n_iter - self.burn)//ndraw)) else: self.save_every = None self.ndraw = ndraw # unused self.normalize = normalize self.scale_x = None self.scale_y = None
[docs] def setup_nets(self, n_features_in_=None): ''' Intermediate method to initialize networks in ensemble ''' if n_features_in_ is None: n_features_in_ = self.n_features_in_ elif self.n_features_in_ is None: self.n_features_in_ = n_features_in_ self.cyberspace = [self.NN(self.init_neurons, l=self.l,, epochs=self.epochs, r=self.random_state+i, x_in=n_features_in_, batch_size=self.batch_size, solver=self.solver, tol=self.tol, reg=self.reg, act=self.act, binary=self._binary) for i in range(self.num_nets)] self.initialized=True self.saved_draws = [] self.sigma_draws = []
[docs] def sample_sigma(self): ''' Sample model sigma from posterior distribution (another inverse gamma) ''' n = self.Xtr.shape[0] preds = np.sum([N.predict(self.Xtr) for N in self.cyberspace], axis=0) sse = np.sum((self.Ytr-preds)**2) post_alpha = self.prior_alpha + n/2 post_beta = 2/(2/self.prior_beta + sse) return np.sqrt(scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs(post_alpha, scale=1/post_beta, random_state=self.np_random_state))
#dof = ( + n) # good, based on invchi2 origin #tau_sq = ( * self.sigma0+nu1)/dof #a = dof/2 #s = dof*tau_sq/2 #return scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs(a, scale=s)
[docs] def compute_res(self, X, Y, i, S=None): ''' Compute the residual for the current iteration, returning total prediction as well as target without contribution from model i. Optionally use an existing S from previous iteration ''' if S is None: S = np.array([N.predict(X) for N in self.cyberspace]) R = Y - (np.sum(S, axis=0) - S[i]) return S, R
[docs] def update_target(self, X, Y_old): return Y_old
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y, Xva=None, Yva=None, Xte=None, Yte=None, n_iter=None): ''' Overall BARN fitting method. If `Xva`/`Yva` not supplied yet such data is requested by `self.test_size`, then training data is split, using `self.test_size` fraction as validation. If this validation data is available, it's used for acceptance. Otherwise, the training data is reused for the probability calculation. If `Xte`/`Yte` not supplied, however, we skip the test data calculation. ''' if not self.initialized or not self.warm_start: self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1] self.setup_nets() Xtr = X Ytr = Y if n_iter is None: n_iter = self.n_iter else: self.n_iter = n_iter # ok to overwrite? pass if Xva is None and self.test_size > 0: Xtr, XX, Ytr, YY = skms.train_test_split(Xtr,Ytr, test_size=self.test_size, random_state=self.random_state) # training #if Xte is None: # Xva, Xte, Yva, Yte = skms.train_test_split(XX,YY, # test_size=self.test_size, # random_state=self.random_state) # valid and test #else: Xva = XX Yva = YY # optionally normalize data self.scale_x = self.create_input_normalizer(Xtr, self.normalize) self.scale_y = self.create_output_normalizer(Ytr, self.normalize) if self.normalize: Xtr = self.scale_x.transform(Xtr) Ytr = self.scale_y.transform(Ytr.reshape((-1,1))).reshape(-1) if Xva is not None: Xva = self.scale_x.transform(Xva) Yva = self.scale_y.transform(Yva.reshape((-1,1))).reshape(-1) # initialize fit as though all get equal share of Y for j,N in enumerate(self.cyberspace): N.train(Xtr,Ytr/self.num_nets) # check initial fit Yh_tr = np.sum([N.predict(Xtr) for N in self.cyberspace], axis=0) self.Xtr = Xtr self.Ytr = Ytr self.Ytr_init = np.copy(Yh_tr) if Xte is not None: Xte = scale_x.transform(Xte) Yh = np.sum([N.predict(Xte) for N in self.cyberspace], axis=0) self.Yte_init = np.copy(Yh) # Compute initial sigma guess from simple Y var for now, OLS fit later ## this is intended to be an overestimate sigma_hat = np.std(Ytr) ff = lambda bb: (self.qq-scipy.stats.invgamma.cdf(sigma_hat**2,, scale=bb))**2 #t2 = scipy.optimize.bisect(ff, 0, 100) self.prior_beta = 1/scipy.optimize.minimize(ff, 1, method='nelder-mead').x # doesn't need to be that close self.prior_alpha = #self.prior_beta = 2/(*self.t2) # return StatToolbox.sample_from_inv_gamma((hyper_nu + es.length) / 2, 2 / (sse + hyper_nu * hyper_lambda)); from bartmachine #self.sigma0 = scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs(,*self.t2/2) # initial sigma sample self.sigma = self.sample_sigma() self.accepted = 0 self.phi = np.zeros(n_iter) self.sigmas = np.zeros(n_iter) self.ntrans_iter = np.zeros(n_iter) self.actual_num_neuron = np.zeros((self.n_iter, self.num_nets), dtype=np.uint8) Ytr_orig = np.copy(Ytr) if Yva is not None: Yva_orig = np.copy(Yva) else: Yva_orig = None if n_iter > 0: Ytr = self.update_target(Xtr, Ytr_orig) if Yva is not None: Yva = self.update_target(Xva, Yva_orig) # setup residual array S_tr, Rtr = self.compute_res(Xtr, Ytr, -1, None) if Xva is not None: S_va, Rva = self.compute_res(Xva, Yva, -1, None) try: for i in tqdm(range(n_iter)): self.i = i # only for checking callbacks for callback,kwargs in self.callbacks.items(): res = callback(self, **kwargs) if i > 0: #TODO bin #if False: # latent Z sampling for binary class (ignored for regression) Ytr = self.update_target(Xtr, Ytr_orig) if Yva is not None: Yva = self.update_target(Xva, Yva_orig) S_tr, Rtr = self.compute_res(Xtr, Ytr, -1, S_tr) if Xva is not None: S_va, Rva = self.compute_res(Xva, Yva, -1, S_va) # gibbs sample over the nets for j in range(self.num_nets): # compute resid against other nets ## Use cached these results, add back most recent and remove current ## TODO: double check this is correct if Xva is not None: Rva = Rva - S_va[j-1] + S_va[j] Rtr = Rtr - S_tr[j-1] + S_tr[j] # grab current net in this position N = self.cyberspace[j] # create proposed change choice = self.np_random_state.choice(self.trans_options, p=self.trans_probs) if choice == 'grow': Np = self.NN(N.num_nodes+1, weight_donor=N, l=N.l,, r=self.np_random_state.randint(BIG), x_in=self.n_features_in_, epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batch_size, solver=self.solver, tol=self.tol, reg=self.reg, act=self.act) q = self.trans_probs[0] elif N.num_nodes-1 == 0: # TODO: better handle zero neuron case, don't just skip continue # don't bother building empty model else: Np = self.NN(N.num_nodes-1, weight_donor=N, l=N.l,, r=self.np_random_state.randint(BIG), x_in=self.n_features_in_, epochs=self.epochs, solver=self.solver, tol=self.tol, reg=self.reg, act=self.act) q = self.trans_probs[1] Np.train(Xtr,Rtr) # determine if we should keep it if Xva is not None: Xcomp = Xva Rcomp = Rva else: Xcomp = Xtr Rcomp = Rtr if self.np_random_state.random() < A(Np, N, Xcomp, Rcomp, self.sigma, q): self.cyberspace[j] = Np self.accepted += 1 self.ntrans_iter[i] += 1 S_tr[j] = Np.predict(Xtr) if Xva is not None: S_va[j] = Np.predict(Xva) if Xva is not None: Rphi = Rva S_phi = S_va else: Rphi = Rtr S_phi = S_tr # overall validation error at this MCMC iteration self.phi[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean((Rphi - S_phi[j])**2)) self.actual_num_neuron[i] = [m.num_nodes for m in self.cyberspace] self.sigma = self.sample_sigma() self.sigmas[i] = self.sigma # save multiple draws for averaging in prediction self.multidraw() except JackPot: # indicates we ended early self.n_iter = i-1 # shorten the saved results (or fill rest with NaNs? self.phi = self.phi[:i-1] self.ntrans_iter = self.ntrans_iter[:i-1] self.multidraw() if Xte is not None: self.Xte = Xte self.Yte = Yte return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): X_tmp = self.scale_x.transform(X) if len(self.saved_draws) > 0: ans = np.mean([np.sum([N.predict(X_tmp) for N in cyberspace], axis=0) for cyberspace in self.saved_draws ], axis=0) else: ans = np.sum([N.predict(X_tmp) for N in self.cyberspace], axis=0) return self.scale_y.inverse_transform(ans.reshape((-1,1))).reshape(-1)
[docs] def predict_interval(self, X, alpha=0.05): ''' Predict upper and lower confidence interval at alpha level Aggregate multiple MCMC draws using point and sigma est of each ''' z = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(1-alpha/2) X_tmp = self.scale_x.transform(X) ans = self.predict(X) n = len(self.sigma_draws) if n > 0: sig = np.sum(self.sigma_draws) else: sig = self.sigma sig_unscaled = self.scale_y.inverse_transform([[sig]])[0,0] return ans - z*sig_unscaled/np.sqrt(n), ans + z*sig_unscaled/np.sqrt(n)
[docs] def phi_viz(self, outname='phi.png', close=True): ''' Visualize the `phi` parameter, validation error over time ''' fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(5,5) # Plot phi results plt.plot(self.phi) plt.xlabel('MCMC Iteration') plt.ylabel('RMSE') plt.title(f'MCMC Error Progression') if outname: fig.savefig(outname) if close: plt.close() return fig
[docs] def viz(self, outname='results.png', extra_slots=0, close=True, initial=False, do_viz=True): ''' Visualize results of BARN analysis. Shows: 1. Plot of `Y_test` vs `Y_test_pred_initial` (optional) 2. Plot of `Y_test` vs `Y_test_pred_final` Requires existing `self.Xte` and `self.Yte` (usually set by ``) ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1+extra_slots+initial, squeeze=True, sharex=True,sharey=True) fig.set_size_inches(12+4*extra_slots,4) if initial: # check initial fit # replace r2 with training r2 #r2h = metrics.r2_score(self.Yte, self.Yte_init) r2h = metrics.r2_score(self.Ytr, self.Ytr_init) rmseh = metrics.mean_squared_error(self.Yte, self.Yte_init, squared=False) ax[0].plot([np.min(self.Yte), np.max(self.Yte)], [np.min(self.Yte), np.max(self.Yte)]) ax[0].scatter(self.Yte,self.Yte_init, c='orange') # somewhat decent on synth, gets lousy at edge, which makes sense ax[0].set_title('Initial BARN') ax[0].set_ylabel('Prediction') ax[0].text(0.05, 0.85, f'Training $R^2 = $ {r2h:0.4}\nTest $RMSE = $ {rmseh:0.4}', transform=ax[0].transAxes) elif extra_slots + initial == 0: # pretend to have a list so we can access by index ax = [ax] else: # should be ok pass # final fit Yh2 = self.predict(self.Xte) #r2h2 = metrics.r2_score(self.Yte, Yh2) r2h2 = metrics.r2_score(self.Ytr, self.predict(self.Xtr)) rmseh2 = metrics.mean_squared_error(self.Yte, Yh2, squared=False) ax[0+initial].plot([np.min(self.Yte), np.max(self.Yte)], [np.min(self.Yte), np.max(self.Yte)]) ax[0+initial].scatter(self.Yte,Yh2, c='orange') ax[0+initial].set_title('Final BARN') ax[0+initial].set_xlabel('Target') ax[0+initial].text(0.05, 0.85, f'Training $R^2 = $ {r2h2:0.4}\nTest $RMSE = $ {rmseh2:0.4}', transform=ax[0+initial].transAxes) if do_viz: fig.savefig(outname) if close: plt.close() return fig, ax, rmseh2, r2h2
[docs] def batch_means(self, num_batch=20, batch_size=None, np_out='val_resid.npy', outfile='var_all.csv', mode='a', burn=None, num=None): ''' Compute batch means variance over computed results. ''' if burn is None: burn = 100 if batch_size is None: batch_size = self.total_iters//num_batch if num is None: num = min(len(self.phi[burn:]), num_batch*batch_size) if num//num_batch != batch_size: num -= num % batch_size num_batch = int(num//batch_size) # check batch means variance mu = np.mean(self.phi[burn:burn+num]) if np_out:, self.phi) # only final saved batch_phi = np.mean(self.phi[burn:burn+num].reshape((num_batch, batch_size)), axis=1) var = np.sum((batch_phi-mu)**2)/(num_batch*(num_batch-1)) if outfile: with open(outfile, mode) as f: print(f'{self.dname}, {var}', file=f) return var
[docs] def save(self, outname): ''' Save the entire ensemble of NNs as a Python pickle. Load with pickle too. ''' # This only saves the last iteration of full models, but that's something if self.use_tf: # convert to sklearn and save? Don't actually have a load method yet! # could reconstruct from just weights if needed with open(outname,'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.get_weights(), f) else: with open(outname,'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.cyberspace, f)
[docs] def get_weights(self): ''' Obtain weights of the NNs in the ensemble. ''' return [nn.get_weights() for nn in self.cyberspace]
[docs] @staticmethod def improvement(self, check_every=None, skip_first=0, tol=0): ''' Stop early if performance has not improved for `check_every` iters. Allow wiggle room such that if we are within `tol` % of old best, continue Skip the first `skip_first` iters without checking ''' i = self.i if check_every is None: check_every = max(self.n_iter//10, 1) # not an iteration to stop on if i == 0 or i % check_every != 0: return None if i < skip_first or i-check_every <= 0: return None tol = 1+tol old_best = np.min(self.phi[:i-check_every]) recent_best = np.min(self.phi[i-check_every:i]) # if it's getting worse, then stop print(old_best*tol, recent_best) if old_best*tol <= recent_best: print(f'Ended early on {i}!') raise JackPot else: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def trans_enough(self, check_every=None, skip_first=0, ntrans=None): ''' Stop early if fewer than `ntrans` transitions Skip the first `skip_first` iters without checking ''' i = self.i if check_every is None: check_every = max(self.n_iter//10, 1) # not an iteration to stop on if i == 0 or i % check_every != 0: return None if i < skip_first: return None if ntrans is None: ntrans = max(self.num_nets//5,1) if self.ntrans_iter[i-1] < ntrans: # maybe check mean percent across block? raise JackPot
[docs] @staticmethod def stable_dist(self, check_every=None, skip_first=0, tol=None): ''' Stop early if posterior distribution of neuron distribution is stable Tolerance is on Wassersten metric (aka Earth Mover Distance) Skip the first `skip_first` iters without checking ''' i = self.i if check_every is None: check_every = max(self.n_iter//10, 1) if tol is None: tol = self.num_nets//10 # 10% of nets can change one value # not an iteration to stop on if i == 0 or i % check_every != 0: return None if i < skip_first: return None # find max Earth Mover Distance in last successive check_every steps max_dist = None for j in range(check_every): idx = i-check_every+j-1 # skip if trying to compare before first entry if idx < 0: continue ws = scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance( self.actual_num_neuron[idx], self.actual_num_neuron[idx+1]) if max_dist is None or ws > max_dist: max_dist = ws if max_dist <= tol: raise JackPot
[docs] @staticmethod def rfwsr(self, check_every=None, skip_first=0, t=2, eps=0.01): ''' Relative Fixed Width Stopping Rule `t*sig/sqrt(n) + 1/n <= eps * gbar` Skip the first `skip_first` iters without checking ''' i = self.i if check_every is None: check_every = max(self.n_iter//10, 1) # not an iteration to stop on if i == 0 or i % check_every != 0: return None if i < skip_first: return None # only use last half of steps, to avoid burn-in period num_batch = i//(2*check_every) if num_batch == 0: return None num = num_batch*check_every burn = i-num gbar = np.mean(self.phi[burn:i]) sig = self.batch_means(num_batch=num_batch, batch_size=check_every, num=num, np_out='', outfile='', burn=burn) if t*sig/np.sqrt(num)<= eps*gbar: # removed 1/n term on LHS raise JackPot
[docs] def multidraw(self): ''' Save multiple draws of the multiple for averaged prediction Skip the first `self.burn` iters Otherwise, keep every `self.save_every` model ''' i = self.i if self.save_every is None: self.save_every = 10 # default 10% # not an iteration to stop on if i > 0 and i >= self.burn and i % self.save_every == 0: self.saved_draws.append(self.cyberspace) self.sigma_draws.append(self.sigma)
[docs] def create_input_normalizer(self, X, normalize=False): ''' Setup PCA normalization of input features ''' if normalize: scale_x = PCA(n_components=X.shape[1], whiten=False) else: # dummy scaler scale_x = StandardScaler(with_mean=False, with_std=False) return scale_x
[docs] def create_output_normalizer(self, Y, normalize=False): ''' Setup PCA normalization of target output ''' scale_y = StandardScaler(with_mean=normalize, with_std=normalize),1))) return scale_y
class BARN(BARN_base, RegressorMixin): pass class BARN_bin(BARN_base, ClassifierMixin): ''' Bayesian Additive Regression Networks ensemble for binary classification. ''' def create_output_normalizer(self, Y, normalize=False): # leave classes untouched scale_y = StandardScaler(with_mean=False, with_std=False),1))) return scale_y def sample_sigma(self): return 1 def predict(self, X): return scipy.stats.norm.cdf(self.predict_z(X)) def predict_z(self, X): ''' Return prediction as z-score ''' X_tmp = self.scale_x.transform(X) if len(self.saved_draws) > 0: ans = np.mean([np.sum([N.predict(X_tmp) for N in cyberspace], axis=0) for cyberspace in self.saved_draws], axis=0) else: ans = np.sum([N.predict(X_tmp) for N in self.cyberspace], axis=0) return self.scale_y.inverse_transform(ans.reshape((-1,1))).reshape(-1) def predict_z_interval(self, X, alpha=0.05): z = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(1-alpha/2) ans = self.predict_z(X) n = len(self.sigma_draws) sig_unscaled = n # fixed sigma_i=1 for classification return ans - z*sig_unscaled/np.sqrt(n), ans + z*sig_unscaled/np.sqrt(n) def predict_interval(self, X, alpha=0.05): lower, upper = self.predict_z_interval(X) return scipy.stats.norm.cdf(self.predict_z(lower)), scipy.stats.norm.cdf(self.predict_z(upper)) def update_target(self, X, Y_old): ''' Estimate latent $z_i$ values with current model and data. Essentially, make prediction of z-score with current model and clip to zero if sign is wrong. $z_i ~ max(N(g(X),1), 0) y_i + min(N(g(X),1), 0) (1-y_i) $ ''' pz = self.predict_z(X) sample = scipy.stats.norm.rvs(loc=pz, random_state=self.np_random_state) return np.clip(sample*Y_old,0, None) + np.clip(sample*(1-np.array(Y_old)),None, 0) # A way to break out of nested for loops without trying to be clever with flags class JackPot(Exception): pass