The Sinking Canoe
Van Boxel, D. (2007). "The Sinking Canoe." Concrete Canoe Magazine.
Van Boxel, D. (2007). "The Sinking Canoe." Concrete Canoe Magazine.
William H Schneider IV, Karl Zimmerman, D. Van Boxel, Srutha Vavilikolanu (2009). "Bayesian analysis of the effect of horizontal curvature on truck crashes using training and validation data sets" Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Van Boxel, D. (2010). "An Exploratory Study of Vehicle Class Headway Ratios as Passenger Car Equivalence Values Using Three Stage Least Squares Estimation" Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Van Boxel, D. (2010). "Determining Dynamic Axial Stresses in a Concrete Canoe." Concrete Canoe Magazine.
D. Van Boxel, William H Schneider IV, Casey Bakula (2011). "Innovative real-time methodology for detecting travel time outliers on interstate highways and urban arterials" Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Anwaar Ahmed, Mathew Volovski, D. Van Boxel, Samuel Labi, Kumares C Sinha (2011). Truck travel characteristics as an indicator of system condition and performance. Purdue University, Joint Transportation Research Program
William H Schneider IV, Peter T Savolainen, D. Van Boxel, Rick Beverley (2012). "Examination of factors determining fault in two-vehicle motorcycle crashes" Accident Analysis & Prevention, 45, 669-676.
Li, J. and Van Boxel, D. and Levine, J. Autoencoder-Aided Visualization of Collections of Morse Complexes. 2022 TopoInVis Conference.
Van Boxel, D. BARMPy: Bayesian additive regression models Python package. Computational Statistics
Talk at Arizona-Los Alamos Days, Los Alamos, NM
Talk at Women in Data Science Tucson, Tucson, AZ