I streamed some more poking around with Tensor Flow. First, is the ‘advanced’ tutorial on the MNIST digit recognition data. It still holds your hand, which is nice when learning new software. I streamed the ‘basic’ MNIST tutorial as well, but YouTube is still processing that one a week after the fact. I don’t know if it will ever finish.

The next tutorial was a less guided version of the same MNIST data, but I think doing the previous tutorials just confused me about this one. For a Tensor Flow expert, this tutorial was unnecessary, and for the beginning, it was a little uncoordinated. And I made plenty of foolish mistakes on my own. At the end, switched to trying to use Tensor Board to view an actual graph of the neural net, but it failed to produce anything. I like the idea of providing a slick web interface to poking around in a graph, but maybe it needs some fine-tuning or more tutorials. And it would have been nice if there were an obvious way to just get the “dot” files out so I could make my own graph. Again, maybe I didn’t devote enough time to this, but I would have liked it to be simple.