Installing TensorFlow in SageMathCloud

TensorFlow isn’t always the most friendly library to install, but within SageMathCloud for a CPU-only version and Python3.4, it’s not too bad. Most of the pain comes from SageMathCloud cutting off our network access.

First, download the TensorFlow wheel file. Do this on your local computer, not SageMathCloud.

# Use wget from the command line, or search the tensorflow website under "Get Started"

Next, open a terminal in your SageMathCloud. We’ll use pip3 to install TensorFlow like you might a normal Python package, but we’ll pass in some options so that pip3 doesn’t try to download unneeded dependencies.

pip3 install --user --no-index --no-deps tensorflow-0.6.0-cp34-none-linux_x86_64.whl

That’s it! TensorFlow is now ready to use in a Python3 kernel under a Jupyter Notebook.