While last time I setup the code to enact my epic transfer learning plan, this week was about actually putting some data in. Thankfully, I was able to find a Dr. Seuss corpus as well as a set of Aesop’s Fables. I thought it would make sense to train on Dr Seuss first, being nominally simpler language, and then transfer up to more complex models.

During the stream, there’s not enough time to train these models to completion. But offline, I let the biggest model train overnight on Dr Seuss. The result? Well, it was something:

oh theer called a call. there they call all we likes. i hall now house do not hall. what a lot og they is nod, and the good! they should then a shall. i was for they are dear. and then this well feet of a fish. i like thing ase ase things and sis. you call tat a say. not is a good! and the good gust a lido! and then he this one hood. herd! i have a down. and when we said, oh u pat he to os of the, he head come old. i have no shad was to then moush box of therr will sing. whele theyee nerettleeee tleetle bedttle butp as a they… homle ha heold. then he say! i wish not his, and she call a pat feat the there. here. then thing house like. whele, thele things whes to! hees they thisgs they gave howtele seeetletle beetles. but, what theve lae fleas. whis is she theid head a shoull. thenee stord a chat the good fish, said thing sand and would bat bere